“Palaić & Valek” manufacturing trade has been producing various steel wire products for many years: pressure cables, flexible spindles, chimney sweep cables, chimney sweep brushes of all sizes, roto-cables and brushes for cleaning ventilation shafts, cables for manual and mechanical drain cleaning. There is a large number of our satisfied users — we hope that you will be among them, if you’re not already.
On our website you will find, among other things, a complete catalog and price list of our products. If you want to order something from our assortment, you can do so using the form on the “Contact” page.
If you need, for example, one of our products with different dimensions than those in our catalog, contact us. We will gladly listen to your wishes and custom make for you the product you need.
You will find a search engine on the website — if you know at least approximately the name of the product you are interested in, or you know the product code, enter the text in the search engine. You will find the desired product in an instant.